Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

"Happy Anniversary Vanessa?!?! Are you in a relationship?!?!"
NO, relax. Just keep reading. 

So, what kind of anniversary am I celebrating then? 

Well, as of Saturday, September 6th, 2014, I "celebrated" my one year anniversary of being at ICI.  I didn't really do anything to celebrate it, but.. it was.. haha. 

This past year... I mean, you can talk to anyone I know, I have loved every second of being at ICI.  I have learned so much there, and the kids there... I mean, you just can't leave them.  My "Co-workers".. awesome people- just awesome.  

Originally, I was gonna be there for just eight weeks, but then I loved it so much that I stayed. Not just for the rest of the semester, but the rest of the year! 

I had told my internship supervisor that after the school year finished, that I was not going to continue serving there because of some personal.. err.. things. He encouraged me to stay at least throughout the summer, that they needed all the help they can get during the summer, so I agreed.

After I had told him that.. I just looked into the kids' eyes, and I just can't.  I am not done there, and obviously neither was I back then. 

A couple months after that meeting, I got the letter from Moody Bible Institute that I was accepted onto the Chicago campus.  The next time I went to Moody, I filled out the paper work to secure my PCM (practical Christian Ministry) at ICI.  I texted my now supervisor and said "I just signed my life over to you guys for another year!"

So the school year finished, and the summer came.  I was so excited to experience and help lead my first summer at ICI, many different events, along with weekend bible studies with the girls.  If you read my post about Phantom Ranch, then you have a pretty good idea of what the highlight of my summer was. 

If you didn't read it, let me try and give a short "synopsis" (you like that? Big words... but don't get used to it). 
This summer, I got to go with ICI to the Urban Camp that a local church hosts at
Phantom Ranch.  It was my first year not only with ICI, but being a full-on counselor. 
From the first day, I saw God working in these teens' lives in a way I had never seen before.
On the last chapel night, anywhere you looked there were broken hearts.  Not the "bf/gf" broken hearts, but hearts that God had worked on this week. 

It was that night, that beautiful, tearful, beautiful night, that just... gave me peace about being at ICI.  To have this as your "JOB".. like wow.. I can't.. (I literally can't even).  This is the most beautiful thing.  
And ohkay, sure not every week is gonna be people getting saved, but I mean.. to be the hands and feet of Christ to these kids, to this community, to Chicago.. Is there really anything better?  I think any other career would just be settling, and I don't think that's what God wants us to do..

Now obviously, for those that are saved, and even those that aren't, we encourage them to go to church.  Recently, those that got saved at camp have been going to church pretty consistently.  They have met leaders at the church that they have really connected with and feel comfortable talking to.  It's funny because.. I think that sometimes I try and act like a mom to them, but once, a boy told me, "Don't act like my mom.  You're not old enough to act like my mom!"  But anyways, and.. before I continue, know that I will probably begin to cry onto my keyboard as I type this.. 
      Let me give you a little ..uh.. story..? about the idea I'm about to say. 
Once, I had a birthday party, and my parents and I were shocked at the amount of people that showed up, and the gifts they gave.  I remember my parents saying, "The best gift a parent can receive is to see someone care for you guys like we do."
     So with thatttt... When I hear that the kids feel loved and cared for by the leaders at their new church, in a similar/equal way that I love my kids... it's beautiful.  It brings me to tears.  I couldn't be more thankful.  I really couldn't.  Especially when the kids say, "We talked and.. I needed to talk to someone for a while and I didn't even know."  Like.. when someone can bring stuff like that out for your kids.. ahh. Idk.. but, I just think that's so beautiful, and I couldn't be more grateful. 

All in all, the biggest thing that I have come out of this year of being there, is that God has placed this huge passion in my heart that I can't dim down.. I couldn't even if I tried.  He gave me a passion for inner-city high school students (even though I'll look like a Junior Higher for years).   That's why I'm going to Moody.  To be trained and equipped to work out this passion that God gave me to the best of my abilities.  Ask me what my favorite classes are, and I'll tell you right away, "Urban Youth Min and Youth Min." 

And God willing, I pray that I may continue to do this for many years to come.

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